Renovation 102
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is a strong tool for renovating buildings that are better choices for the environment, the climate, and the occupants. The requirements promote resource efficiency, reduced climate impact and a non-toxic and circular economy.
Furthermore, the criteria are aligned with the technical screening criteria for substantial contribution in the EU taxonomy Annex 1 for renovation of existing buildings (7.2).
The requirements include, among others:
- Mapping and handling of harmful substances in the existing building.
- Mapping of components and materials suitable for reuse.
- Low energy demand or a significantly reduced total demand for primary energy compared to before the renovation.*
- Moisture control of existing structures and in the renovation process.
- Environmental properties and health properties of chemicals used in both construction materials and chemical building products, for example glue, paint, building panels.
- A material logbook to ensure traceability of the building components.
- Effective sorting of demolition and construction waste to promote reuse, recycling and other kinds of material recovery.
- Control of renovation process.
* Except for protected buildings and buildings worthy of preservation covered by the exemption in O7.
The product group includes renovation of office buildings, educational buildings (schools, kindergartens, and day-cares), hotels and conference facilities and residential buildings such as small houses, apartments, row houses, student housing and homes for the elderly or for persons with disabilities.
- Start your application process by reading the criteria document and find out if your product can obtain the Nordic Swan Ecolabel.
- Read your Application Guide.
- Request login credentials.
- Now you are ready to enter the Nordic Ecolabelling Portal.
Portal sign in Get login credentials
Should you wish to transfer your licence, please use this form.
Application form NordicEnglish
In the criteria document, you can read about how to document and verify compliance for each requirement. You can also find other application documents here.
Critera document for product group 102English / 2.1
Writable declarationsEnglish / 2.1
When your customer applies for a Nordic Swan Ecolabel licence, they will need their suppliers' help in their application process. Every item in the product to be licenced has to be declared for.
Suppliers wishing to declare their items, i.e. raw materials, products and chemicals, can do so in the Building Products Portal. You will be issued a personal account to ensure that all information is correct in a secure manner.
2.0 ⇛ 2.1: Adjustment of requirement
On February 20, 2024 Nordic Ecolabelling decided to extend the scope of the product group definition to include additional building types. As a consequence, requirements O1, O13 and O15 have been updated with requirements and alternatives for these building types and the definitions Homes for the elderly and Homes for persons with disabilities have been removed. Editorial changes were made in O29. The new version of the criteria is 2.1.
2.0: New criteria generation
Version 2 of Nordic Ecolabelling's criteria for Renovation has been published. The criteria are valid until September 30, 2027.
1.4 ⇛ 1.5: Adjustment of requirement and prolongation of the validity of the criteria
Adjustment of requirement O16 where the energy classes have been updated according to the new energy directive. Several exceptions have also been introduced or changed in O18, O19, O22, O26 and O27, and clarifications have been made in requirements O25, O32, O33 and O34. In addition, the validity of the criteria has been extended by 24 months.
The new version is called 1.5 and is valid until 30 June 2025.
1.3 ⇛ 1.4: Adjustment of requirement
Adjustment of requirement O19 where exemptions for TiO2 and TMP were introduced.
1.2 ⇛ 1.3: Prolongation of the validity of the criteria
The criteria has been been prolonged with 18 month. The new version, 1.3, is valid until 30 June 2023.
1.1 ⇛ 1.2: Adjustment of the criteria
The criteria has been adjusted in requirement O14 (renovation class for Denmark) and requirement O22 (D4, D5 and D6 were excluded as residues from the production of silicone polymers of 1 000 ppm each). The new version, 1.2, is valid until 31 December 2021.
1.0 ⇛ 1.1: Adjustment of the criteria
The criteria has been adjusted in requirement O16 and Appendix 8. The new version, 1.1, is valid until 31 December 2021.
1.0: Adoption of criteria
The Nordic Ecolabelling Board decided to adopt criteria for Renovation on the 9 November 2017.
In the background document below you will find reasoning and facts behind the specific requirements in the criteria document.
Here you can also read the comments, requirement for requirement, from the public hearing.
If the documents are in a Nordic language, you can get help in understanding the sections you need by contacting the product specialist in your chosen country below.
Background document for product group 102English / 2.1
Consultation commentsEnglish / 2.1
Criteria documentEnglish / 1.5
Background documentEnglish / 1.5
Writable declarationsEnglish / 1.5
Consultation ReportSwedish / 1.5