ISO 14024 type I ecolabel checklist

These are the most important parameters stated in ISO standard 14024:

  • Environmental labels and declarations
  • Type I environmental labelling
  • Principles and procedures

And this is how the Nordic Swan Ecolabel fulfils them:

Life cycle-based

All stages from raw materials, production and use to waste, re-use and recycling are included in the assessment when the requirements are established. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel sets strict environmental requirements, that are significant from a life-cycle perspective – in all relevant stages of the product’s lifecycle.

Focus on all relevant environmental indicators

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel sets environmental requirements for both climate, chemicals, biodiversity and circular economy.

No one-sided focus

Taking a holistic approach means that action is taken where it will have the most impact on the environment. This approach also moves away from a one-sided focus on a single stage in the life cycle of a product (e.g. raw materials) or a one-sided focus on one environmental problem (e.g. climate change), which in the worst case could potentially have a negative impact on a different environmental issue.

Scientific basis of environmental criteria

The development and selection of criteria are based on scientific principles with data and scientific evidence from recognised scientific sources.

Absolute requirements

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel sets absolute requirements with absolute levels. The levels are reflected in tough requirements in all relevant stages of the life cycle, that all certified products for that specific product type must comply with.

Product-specific requirements

The aim of a Type I ecolabel is to differentiate environmentally preferable products from others in the same product category. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel sets requirements specific to the product. This means that each product type has unique requirements. This is crucial for dealing with the most important environmental issues for the product type, thus ensuring maximum benefit for the environ

Quality and use are included

For many types of products, life cycle assessments show that product lifetime is the factor that influences the overall environmental impact the most. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel sets requirements for quality and function using generally accepted standards and methods. This is vital for ensuring effective products that have the desired function and potential for a long lifetime.


The requirements for the Nordic Swan Ecolabel are approved by the Nordic Ecolabelling Board. The board is independent and represents national boards consisting of organizations representing trade, industry, environmental and consumer interests. Nordic Ecolabelling is a non-profit organisation, independent from specific branch interest.


Nordic Ecolabelling develops the requirements in an open process where everyone can provide input in a public consultation for all stakeholders. The final requirements are 100% transparent and publicly available on websites in all Nordic countries. This makes it easy for both consumers and profes

Regular tightening of requirements

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel regularly evaluates and tightens the requirements based on the latest environmental knowledge and market developments. When the requirements are revised, all ecolabelled products are reassessed and companies must re-certify and document that their products comply with the new requirements. A new inspection of production sites is also performed by Nordic Ecolabelling.

Third party verification

A product that carries the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, has undergone a comprehensive certification process, including documentation and inspections on the production sites ensuring compliance with all requirements.