The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is one of the world's toughest environmental certifications – and as such, a powerful tool for producers and brand owners.
Never before has the motivation to create a sustainable future for the Earth, for generations to come and for ourselves, been as high as now. We can all be part of the solution.
Here you will find information about criteria, costs, regulations, marketing and graphical guidelines and learn how to get started with your application.
For each product area you can find the criteria documents needed, an application guide to help you through the application process and information about fees.
In 1989, the Nordic Council of Ministers launched a Nordic environmental label – the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. The label is administered and managed by Nordic Ecolabelling, a Nordic joint organisation.
The Nordic Ecolabelling declaration site is where you as a supplier help your customer by declaring your items in the Supply Chain Declaration Portal.
Producers wishing to declare their items: pulps, paper, board and chemicals, can do so in the MSA Portal. You will be issued a personal account to ensure that all the information is correct in a secure manner.